When one takes up an intimate science with life, everything is found to be a field of relationships, both nested and open – patterns that weave in love, wonder and joy, that course as rivers in a floating sea of becoming. All relations are constellations of other relations, greater and smaller, without diminution of the […]
Category: chapter 7
7.7 More a river than a thing – WMtE part7
It seemed to us that our project was flourishing: 4 gatherings in 2009 and a next one planned in January of 2010. We really felt we were on to something! We started talking about Women Moving the Edge as a separate being, just as we had talked about the CircleBeing. I have already mentioned that […]
7.6 Opening to We-in-now
Living as an ecosystem Just as the individual is a process and a becoming – and not at all a fixed entity – so, of course, is any team or group also a continuously evolving and unfolding process. In our search to capture the essence of this particular piece of the puzzle we call Collective […]
7.5 Holding Not-Knowing-Yet
The Real Work It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work. When we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings. […]
7.4 Collective Sourcing
When we are ready to begin again, from that place we interpret as origin, the place of elemental principles and primitives out of which we are born – something curious happens. – Bonnitta Roy – Born in the Middle (part2) Sourcing as collective Some participants in our first Women Moving the Edge gathering felt […]
7.3 Deeper Circle Practice
There are three ways to approach the mystery of the divine. The first practice is prayer. The second is meditation. And the third, and most important, is conversation. – Rumi This section builds on the basic circle practice (see part 3.3). What is explained here might not make much sense if you have no personal […]
7.2 The Simple Practice and Power of Witnessing
When we listen attentively there is neither agreement or disagreement; we are just in a state of attention. – J. Krishnamurti Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out indefinitely […]
7.1 Collective Calling
Chapter 7. Generative Dialogue: We-in-Now 7.1 Collective Calling If the whole presences within its parts, then a part is a place for the presencing of the whole… a part is special and not accidental, since it must be such as to let the whole come into presence. This sociality of the part is particularly important […]