Category: Kosmos articles

Collective presencing – Building capacity for Generative Collective Action in Service of Life (4 of 4

Kosmos’ collective presencing series – part four first published in Kosmos magazine, Autumn/Winter 2013 some ideas have evolved or changed since then! Ria Baeck and Helen Titchen Beeth As we journey towards the Circle of Creation, our starting point is a collective with all the capacities learned in the Circle of Presence—at ease with reaching […]

Collective Presencing – Embracing a New Paradigm (3 of 4)

Kosmos’ collective presencing series – part three first published in Kosmos magazine, Spring/Summer 2013 some ideas have evolved or changed since then! Ria Baeck and Helen Titchen Beeth In the first two articles in this series (one and two), we introduced collective presencing as a new human capacity emerging at this time. The first article […]

Collective Presencing – Circle of Presence (2 of 4)

Kosmos’ collective presencing series – part two first published in Kosmos magazine, Autumn/Winter 2012 some ideas have evolved or changed since then! Ria Baeck and Helen Titchen Beeth Our first article gave an overview of the new human capacity we are starting to articulate —that we call Collective Presencing, the purpose of which is to […]

Collective Presencing – a New Human Capacity (1 of 4)

Kosmos’ collective presencing series – part one first published in Kosmos magazine, Spring/Summer 2012 some ideas have evolved or changed since then! Ria Baeck and Helen Titchen Beeth This is the first in a series of articles introducing the phenomenon and practice of Collective Presencing, a new capacity evolving in humanity at this time. Great […]